
Been made redundant when you could have been ‘furloughed’?

12th May 2020 1 min read Chris McAvoy

In response to the Covid19 pandemic, the Government introduced the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. This scheme, also known as the ‘Furlough Scheme’, was (and is) designed to incentivise employers to ‘furlough’ employees rather than make them redundant, in order to preserve jobs and help to protect the economy.  It has today been confirmed that the scheme will be in place until the end of October 2020. 


Could you have been furloughed?

Some employers however have dismissed, or are in the process of dismissing, employees without firstly utilising this scheme. 

If you have been dismissed in these circumstances, and you were employed for two years or more, you have a right to bring a claim for unfair dismissal

When assessing whether your employer has acted in a fair and reasonable manner, an Employment Tribunal will question whether your employer has considered alternatives to your dismissal on the grounds of redundancy.  Depending upon their reasons, if your employer has failed to ‘furlough’ you before making you redundant, this may give you good grounds for alleging that your dismissal was unfair. 


Act quickly

Please do get in touch with us here at People Legal if the above circumstances apply to you and you have been or you think you are in the process of being made redundant.  Take note that claims need to be initiated promptly following dismissal so advice should be obtained as soon as possible


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People Legal

Please call us on 0800 368 8470, email us at [email protected] or arrange a chat at We offer free initial legal advice and a range of funding options if you decide to pursue your case.