


Philosophical belief discrimination: are anti-Zionist beliefs protected?

The Equality Act 2010 makes it unlawful for employers to discriminate against someone because of the...


Our 2024 Rankings!

Building on last year’s success, the People Legal team are delighted to share their upcoming ranking...


COVID-sceptic beliefs may be protected under the Equality Act

The Equality Act 2010 protects individuals from discrimination because of a protected characteristic...


Hospital worker unfairly dismissed for refusing to have a COVID-19 test

In a highly fact specific case, an Employment Tribunal (“ET”) has upheld a complaint of unfair dismi...


Employees: be wary of the ‘vanishing dismissal’

What is a vanishing dismissal? Many people, including some employment lawyers, are unfamiliar with t...


Substantial increase to the National Living Wage and National Minimum Wage

Set to boost pay for around two million people across the UK, the Government has announced a welcome...


Summer Retreats – the new Christmas Party style headache for employers?

The post-pandemic era is upon us and it’s hardly surprising that many companies are seeking to boost...


Although it’s rare for them to do so, restrictive covenants can bite…

The typical advice often given to individuals concerned about the impact of restrictive covenants is...


Can a lack of belief in transgenderism be a “protected belief” under the Equality Act 2010?

Yes, as reiterated by the EAT in the recent case of Mackereth v Department for Work and Pensions and...


Right to work in the UK

Prior to employing an individual, employers have a duty to carry out certain checks to ensure that t...